Archive for the ‘Social Media’ Category

Guardianship Abuse is a Global Problem, Says Denise Brailey of the BFCSA Australia

November 8, 2013

Denise Brailey and The Banking & Finance Consumers Support Association (BFCSA) is an organization that everyone should be watching, as in the American Revolution of Independence, Denise will soon be firing “The Shot that will be Heard Around the World”.

But this time it won’t be from 13 rouge colony’s of the Crown, this shot will be fired from Australia and have ramifications Worldwide as she aims directly at the heart of Global Financial Cartels that have used there power to Corrupt our Politicians and have destroyed the lives of so many Worldwide.

To say Denise Brailey is a remarkable women would be an understatement and she has managed to strike fear into the heart of the beast, exposing the Global Banking System for what it really is and how intertwined and interdependent via cross ownership they are.

When I said that we have an problem with “Institutionalized Elderly Abuse” I meant it and the message is not lost on Denise as she is fully aware of the danger the 800 Pound Gorillas are to the Wealth of the  Greatest Generation, the Boomers and their children.

See :
Bankers and Finance Consumer’s Support Association, Inc.

Facebook:  Bendigo Banksters

NASGA is now Linked in!

September 2, 2013


Click here to join our page and our discussions!

Tell Your Story: Introducing the Voices of Patient Harm

July 27, 2013

Over the last year, ProPublica has been investigating patient harm, one of the leading causes of death in America, and inviting providers and patients to share their experiences with our reporters. We’ve received hundreds of responses, and continue to report based on those tips as well as insights shared in our growing Facebook community.
Today, we’re expanding our call for stories with the Voices of Patient Harm, a new Tumblr featuring a mosaic of personal stories from people affected by patient safety issues. There are those who’ve been harmed directly, like Carla Muss-Jacobs, who describes the consequences of a surgical injury:

The injuries I sustained were NOT the standard “known risks.” It was later discovered by my highly experienced medical expert that I did not need a total knee athroplasty, there was no medical evidence for the procedure. I was butchered and used as a medical guinea pig.

And there are others who have watched as loved ones suffered, like Veronica James, who recounts the injury and death of her mother, Vera Eliscu, in acute-care hospital in New Jersey:

After her injury, Mom never spoke again nor barely moved. I learned coma-stimulation, and became her therapist, as [physical therapists] refused to exercise her. From Jan. 09 until her Wrongful Death in Aug 09, I spent 7 days a week advocating in facilities on Mom’s behalf, documenting her med’s and [hospital-acquired illnesses] … bringing in acupuncture & nutrition, and fighting with staff, firing 3 doctors in the process.

Have you been affected by patient harm? Help us capture the stories behind the statistics by sharing your story and photo with us here. 

Full Article and Source:
Introducing the Voices of Patient Harm

The Forgotten Ones: Compassion for the Elderly

March 31, 2013

Walk into any nursing home today, and you’ll see them: The aging lonely. They are easily recognizable. Look for the sadness on their faces, the pain in their eyes. With a television on for company, these men and women sit alone in their rooms. Their shelves are bare, their bulletin boards void of pictures, cards, or any memento denoting love from the outside. Those sad eyes may even hold a twinge of bitterness, asking, “Why am I still here with no one to love me?”
~ by Karrie Osborn

What are we waiting for? The time to help is now. ♥

The Forgotten Ones: Compassion for the Elderly

March 24, 2013

A pessimist, they say, sees a glass of water as being half empty; an optimist sees the same glass as half full. But a giving person sees a glass of water and starts looking for someone who might be thirsty. ~ G. Donald Gale

*Please volunteer to visit the lonely and forgotten elderly in your community. ♥

Facebook:  The Forgotten Ones:  Compassion for the Elderly

Compassion for the Elderly: The Forgotten Ones

March 10, 2013

Many elderly people in cities, live alone, with their windows sealed or nailed shut because they are so afraid of crime-afraid that someone will break in, and they will be defenseless.   So many are poor and sick, hardly able to care for themselves, with no family or friends, and are often dealing with some level of confusion or dementia. When the elderly die, they usually die alone, just as they have lived in their later years. Sometimes they die at home alone, and sometimes they die in hospitals, or nursing homes. It is such a tragic end for a person who has given so much of their lifetime to others, and yet, when it is their time to depart, there is no one to be there for them. Many times their bodies are not discovered for a long time, because no one cares, or notices that they are missing.

They are sometimes referred to as “elder orphans.”

There is so much isolation in today’s society. In a 2004 issue of Geriatric Times, Bruce G. Rosenthal, of the American Homes and Services for the Aging, commented, “As many as 60% of nursing home residents have no regular visitors.”

Many older people have experienced multiple bereavements as well. Those with dementia or cognitive impairment can’t manage the grief process as a healthy person would. They may even forget their loved ones are gone, and wake up each day searching for them. Even for the elderly with good mental function, often clinical depression sets in, and there is insomnia, weight loss, poor nutrition, and withdrawal. They don’t usually ask for help, or reach out to others.

It makes me angry that older people are in such horrible situations. All of my life, I have loved the elderly. Perhaps it is because I was raised by by grandparents (alongside my mom) until I was 7. But now that I am caring for my mom, who is widowed, aging, and very ill, I can’t imagine her having to face her difficult situation alone. And I can’t help but wonder how many people there are like her,or in much worse condition, who are sick, frail, and totally alone.

* The lonely and forgotten elderly need us so desperately. They sit, crying and alone, with broken hearts, and no hope. No one visits them. They need our love…our touch…our warm smiles. Please be there for those who have no one. ♥

 ~ by Lonnette Harrel

Facebook – Compassion for the Elderly – The Forgotten Ones

The Forgotten Ones: Compassion for the Elderly

March 3, 2013

A little girl asked me once why children were adopted but no body adopted old people? I could not answer her question. I just cried and told her it was sad wasn’t it? We held hands and I told her maybe if we just volunteered it would help.  ♥
~ Barbara Taylor Vaughan

Source:  The Forgotten Ones:  Compassion for the Elderly

The Forgotten Ones: Compassion for the Elderly

February 9, 2013

Sometimes I just have to cry in my bed at night. You know, so nobody knows. I try to keep up a brave face, but sometimes I just have to cry.” ~ A nursing home resident

Please call your local nursing home and volunteer to visit a lonely and forgotten resident. Your love may be the only love they receive. ♥

The Forgotten Ones: Compassion for the Elderly

The Forgotten Ones: Compassion for the Elderly

January 22, 2013

“Animals help patients keep their mind off their problems,” says Jean S. Uehl, the director of nurses. “The love the patients get from the animals is unconditional.” One particular stroke patient was withdrawn and rarely smiled, until she began to play with the resident cat. The patient and the cat became closely bonded to each other, and when the cat had kittens, “they became like the patient’s babies,” according to Uehl.

The kittens played and slept on a tray on the resident’s wheelchair and slept in a chair near her bed whenever they could. The kittens brought the resident out of her shell and she began to talk and smile. “The kittens in particular get all the residents’ attention,” says Uehl. “Everyone always wants to know where they’re at and what they’re doing.” When there are kittens in the building, a number of residents stay busy all day, following them, playing with them, and keeping an eye on them. ~ From

Consider taking your pet to visit residents at a nursing home or an elderly neighbor. They do NOT have to be registered therapy animals. Call your l ocal nursing homes and ask about their policies. Usually only updated shots are required for your pet. Don’t have a pet? Go hold a residents hand instead. ♥

Facebook – The Forgotten Ones: Compassion for the Elderly

The Forgotten Ones: Compassion for the Elderly

December 27, 2012

” I am the one no one wants, like a stray cat or an orphaned child.”

~ A nursing home resident

*Please volunteer to visit our lonely and forgotten elderly. ♥

The Forgotten Ones: Compassion for the Elderly