Archive for the ‘Britney Spears’ Category

Forbes Questions Britney’s Conservatorship

December 18, 2011

As the word spreads of Britney Spears’ conservatorship and the lawsuit involving it from Brand Sense, more & more media outlets are questioning it’s status. The question here being: If Britney can endure a months-long tour, release albums, meet fans, promote her brand, & give interviews.. why is she not “competent” to testify in a case involving HER brand? She is the beneficiary of Britney Spears Inc after all.

But here’s the catch, Jamie Spears (conservator) is in control of her finances. Brand Sense claims that in early 2010, the company was cut off from their 35% commission. This would place the blame solely on Jamie Spears, as Britney has had no control over her finances since early 2008.

Why then are they asking Britney to be deposed? Perhaps they want more answers questioned than we think.

Forbes asks: Is Britney Spears Hiding Behind Her Conservatorship?

Forbes Questions Britney’s Conservatorship

Jamie Spears Asks Judge to Extend His $15K per Month Conservatorship Fee Indefinately

November 13, 2011

Britney Spears dad, Jamie Spears, got a boatload of money for managing the Femme Fatale Tour … TMZ has learned.

We obtained court documents which reveal the judge in Britney Spears’ conservatorship case awarded Jamie $537,987.37 as a base pay for his services on the tour. In addition, the judge allowed Britney’s personal manager, Larry Rudolph, to give Jamie 20% of his 10% commission because Jamie did so much on the tour. Jamie does not reveal the exact amount he gets from Rudolph, but in all Jamie will rake in a 7-figure payday.

And, Jamie is asking that the judge extend his conservatorship fee of $16,000 a month indefinitely.

But here’s the real story … Jamie did the job of 5 people on the tour, and even with Jamie’s fee Britney saved more than a million bucks in salaries.

Britney Spears’ Dad Scores Small Fortune For Femme Fatale Tour

Britney Spears Scheduled to Give Oral Depo

October 4, 2011

Britney is scheduled to give her oral deposition on January 15, 2012.

The jury trial date is set for April 23, 2012 at 10:00am in Department 74, where Britney will possibly be taking the stand.

The Honorable TERESA SANCHEZ-GORDON will be the Judge in this case.

BRAND SENSE PARTNERS LLC’s Plaintiff Counsel will be Goeffrey A. Neri.
BRITNEY SPEARS ET AL’s Defendant Counsel will be Howard Weitzman.

Brand Sense will be looking to have the “sealed documents” unsealed October 15, 2011 overlooked by Honorable Teresa Sanchez-Gordon.


UNLIMITED CASE (Amount demanded exceeds $25,000)

1. The statement was submitted by party: Brand Sense Partners, LLC

2. The complaint was filed on: 3/30/2011 (Complaint)
4/22/2011 (First Amended Complaint)
The cross-complaint was filed on: 6/06/2011

3. All parties (Britney Brands, Inc) named in the complaint and cross-complaint have been served, have appeared, or have been dismissed.

4. Type of case: [complaint] — Breach of contract; fraud and deceit; rescission; declaratory relief; tortious interference with contractual relations; compensatory and punitive damages.

5. A jury trial is set.

6. Jury trial date is set for April 23, 2012.

7. Brand Sense will be represented by Louis R Miller & Geoffrey A. Neri at trial.

8. Brand Sense accept to file the following motions before trial: Motion for Summary Judgement.

9. The following will be completed by the date specified:

Oral depositions:
All key witnesses; including Britney Jean Spears
Requests For Admission
Requests For Products Of Documents

Brand Sense will be seeking relief from probate court orders precluding the deposition of Britney Spears.


Britney Spears’ Conservatorship Attorneys Seeking $900K in Fees

September 24, 2011

They want to get paid…

The lawyers who set up Britney Spears’ conservatorship want a judge to approve $900,000 in legal fees.

Britney’s father Jamie was made her conservator in 2008 after Spears had mental health hospitalizations.

Andrew Wallet, co-conservator, wants $314,000. Jamie Spears’ attorneys want $238,000. The law firm of Bud, Marella, Boxer, Wolpert, Nessum, Drooks & Luncenberg want $186,000 and two other law firms want $125,000.

Jamie also wants to court to continue to give him $16,000 for his work as her conservator. A hearing has been set for November 16.

Britney Spears Conservatorship Attorneys Seeking $900,000 in Fees

See Also:

Free Britney: Is Forbes Questioning Britney’s Conservatorship?

September 15, 2011

As the word spreads of Britney Spears’ conservatorship and the lawsuit involving it from Brand Sense, more & more media outlets are questioning it’s status. The question here being: If Britney can endure a months-long tour, release albums, meet fans, promote her brand, & give interviews.. why is she not “competent” to testify in a case involving HER brand? She is the beneficiary of Britney Spears Inc after all.

But here’s the catch, Jamie Spears (conservator) is in control of her finances. Brand Sense claims that in early 2010, the company was cut off from their 35% commission. This would place the blame solely on Jamie Spears, as Britney has had no control over her finances since early 2008.

Why then are they asking Britney to be deposed? Perhaps they want more answers questioned than we think.

Forbes asks: Is Britney Spears Hiding Behind Her Conservatorship?


Recommended Website:

September 5, 2011

“Even when you go to jail, you know there is the time you’re gonna get out. But in this situation,it’s never ending. I think it’s too in control. If I wasn’t under the restraints I’m under, I’d feel so liberated. When I tell them the way I feel, it’s like they’re really not listening. I never wanted to become one of those prisoner people.

I always wanted to feel free.”


Judge Blocks Efforts to Access Britney Spears’ Medical Info

September 5, 2011

A judge won’t give a company suing Britney Spears access to her medical information.

The pop star is still under court-ordered conservatorship after a bout of erratic behavior in 2008. Her father and attorneys control her personal and financial affairs.

Because of the conservatorship, she will not be required to give a deposition in the lawsuit from the company Brand Sense, which claims it helped negotiate a perfume deal for Spears but was cut out of the profits.

Brand Sense wanted to see medical records proving Spears couldn’t testify. But Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Reva Goetz ruled Tuesday that Brand Sense Partners has no standing to see medical records.


Judge Blocks Company’s Effort to get Access to Britney Spears’ Medical Records to Aid Lawsuit

Britney Spears Attorneys Ask for Delay

August 11, 2011

Lawyers for Britney Spears conservatorship are asking a judge to delay a key ruling in a breach of contract lawsuit filed against the pop star in connection with her Elizabeth Arden fragrance, because they need more time to prepare a response, is exclusively reporting.

Brand Sense, which brokered the fragrance deal for Britney, wants the judge to unseal documents in her conservatorship, despite a ruling in May 2011 that denied that motion.

The licensing company is asking Judge Reva Goetz to hear the matter on August 17, 2011, but Team Spears say they need more time to respond and don’t understand Brand Sense’s urgency for the relief they are seeking.

Court docs state: “If the hearing on Brand Sense’s Motion to Unseal Documents is not continued to August 30, 2011, the Co-Conservators will be prejudiced and suffer irreparable harm by not having sufficient time to oppose the motion which involves important and very complex issues concerning, among other things, the Conservatee’s privacy rights.”

The judge previously ruled that Britney can’t be deposed or called as a witness in the lawsuit. Brand Sense is seeking $10 million dollars in damages because they allege they weren’t getting the pre-agree share of profits from Britney’s fragrance.

Full Article and Source:

Britney Spears Attorneys Ask for Delay in Fragerance Lawsuit

See Also:

Court Rules Britney Spears Does Not Have to be Deposed

Court Rules Britney Spears Does Not Have to be Deposed

July 16, 2011

A Los Angeles court has adjudged that Britney Spears does not have to depose in a lawsuit that was launched by a licensing company over a breach of contract.

According to, the requests of the lawyers for ‘Brand Sense’ were turned down by a judge, as Spears was still under conservatorship.”

Full Article and Source:
Court Rules Out Britney’s Deposition in Brad Sense Lawsuit

See Also:
Britney Spears Breach of Contract Countersuit May go on Hold

>Britney Spears Breach of Contract Countersuit May Go on Hold

July 8, 2011

>Lawyers for a company that provides licensing opportunities for Britney Spears — and which sued the singer and her father for alleged breach of contract — want a judge to put the singer’s countersuit against the firm on hold.

In court papers filed Friday, attorneys for Brand Sense Partners claim they cannot defend against the countersuit because they have been blocked by a probate court from taking the 29-year-old pop star’s deposition on grounds she is incompetent to testify.

The Brand Sense lawyers also state in their court papers that they intend to challenge a sealed order by Judge Reva Goetz preventing Spears’ testimony.

The judge is supervising a conservatorship order she placed over Spears in early 2008 when the singer began exhibiting bizarre behavior.

Since then, Spears has gone on concert tours, given media interviews and made numerous public appearances, according to the company’s court papers.

“Brand Sense also intends to take measures to have all court records in the conservatorship proceedings unsealed,” according to the company’s court papers.

“Brand Sense has the right to know why Ms. Spears continues to be coddled in a conservatorship that has clearly outlived any legitimate purpose.”

The company intends to get “immediate relief” from the probate court order, its papers state.

“The notion that Britney Spears is mentally or emotionally unfit to testify under oath is a sham,” according to the Brand Sense court papers.

A hearing is scheduled Monday before Judge Teresa Sanchez-Gordon, who is presiding over the Brand Sense complaint and Spears’ countersuit.

Full Article and Source:
Britney Spears Breach of Contract Countersuit May Go on Hold