Taxpayer-Funded Lawyer to be Appointed for Jeffrey Schend in Theft Case

Attorneys say a former Appleton guardian accused of stealing about $500,000 from his elderly and disabled clients now qualifies for a taxpayer-funded lawyer because he is lacking in assets and earnings.

An attorney for the state Public Defender’s office said Jeffrey M. Schend, 45, met the agency’s guidelines and was approved to receive public representation.

Schend is charged in Outagamie County with 15 felony theft counts and 12 misdemeanor counts of falsifying accounting records.

Jon Padgham, attorney manager for the Public Defender’s Appleton office, said the 18-month-old case will be scheduled for trial once a lawyer is appointed.

Dist. Atty. Carrie Schneider said efforts would be made to have Schend’s current attorney, Michael Petersen, appointed through the public defender office in effort to keep the case moving.

To qualify for public representation, a defendant must meet predetermined financial guidelines. The process takes into account an applicant’s income and assets, spousal income, family size and the type of case.

Guardians are appointed by courts to oversee assets when it is determined that individuals are unable to manage their finances. The investigation of Schend began after Outagamie County officials received complaints in late 2010 that bills weren’t being paid.

Full Article and Source:
Ex-Guardian to be Represented by Public Defender
See Also:
Accused Former Guardian Jeffrey Schend Tries to Replace Judge

7 Responses to “Taxpayer-Funded Lawyer to be Appointed for Jeffrey Schend in Theft Case”

  1. Thelma Says:

    Hope he gets a lotta time.

  2. StandUp Says:

    Jeffrey Schend gets all the breaks. His victims, on the other hand, get the shaft.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    What a pathetic excuse for a human being. I bet he'd rip his own mother off.

  4. Art Says:

    Looks like this is a case of crime paying!

  5. Vince Says:

    The saddest part of this whole thing is the victims won't get their money back.Oh sure, Jeffrey Schend will get justice. But they won't.

  6. Lacey Says:

    I bet before it's all through, the taxpayers will be out hundreds of thousands of dollars defending Jeffrey Schend. And maybe they'll hold him accountable, I hope so. But, look at the cost.

  7. Anonymous Says:

    All guardian's need a guardian to be looking after them, not some corrupt attorney! this is happening all over the US. Floridian's should be concerned, Florida has more crooked guardians than any other State and they have lots of crooked friends! Where was the courts oversight on this criminal! No where, they turn their corrupt heads, our system has failed us. We need change!

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