Attorney Blunder or Attorney Incompetence?


12 Responses to “Attorney Blunder or Attorney Incompetence?”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Housch isn't incompetent; he's an F'ing thief! Takes on too many cases and can't do it right.

  2. Max Says:

    And this "piece of work" is getting paid tens of thousands of dollars from Danny's estate? It would be a good laugh if it wasn't so sick.

  3. StandUp Says:

    Now, now, I don't think the first one is either a blunder or incompetence. It's a Fraudian Slip — Housh expects to be billing Danny Tate until at least the year 2020!

  4. Connie Says:

    Housh should be disbarred!

  5. Marcie Says:

    Is Robert Thurman another cash cow for Paul Housch? How many others are there?

  6. Anonymous Says:


  7. Tom B Says:

    Greedy sob! Keep the faith, Danny, the truth will come out!

  8. Judy/Judy Says:

    Does it appear the court via Judge Randy Kennedy and Paul Housch are so CONFUSED and INCOMPETENT ($$$$ are dancing in their eyes) as to which case, which victim of the court, they have ordered TO COURT ORDERED HELL?WHO IS ROBERT THURMAN??? IS HE A WARD OF THE STATE? Why is THURMAN'S name in Danny Tate's documents?How many wards of the state are under the control of Judge Randy Kennedy and his gang?WHO IS WATCHING THE GUARDIANS and CONSERVATORS?Judge Kennedy?WHO IS WATCHING JUDGE RANDY KENNEDY?

  9. jerri Says:

    hey stand up you are right 2020!?? whats that about oh my gosh the errors my kid in 8th grade could do better than this is anyone reading this stuff that judge randy kennedy signs blindly what else is going on and why? kennedy needs to be removed from the bench he is making ooooooodles of mistakes paul housch is making errors and they say danny tate needs to be protected????? are they nuts? is say yes they are the ones who need to be taken off the street to protect society i am steaming mad get rid of these incompetents now

  10. Lou Says:

    Nobody's watching any of them any where… that's how the court appointed thieves and their lawyers get away with it.

  11. Anonymous Says:

    Blunder or incompetence? Both.The creep is too busy using his law "license to steal" to do anything right!

  12. Anonymous Says:

    Aren't all attorneys like this?

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